Thursday, April 10, 2008

come to bed, insomnia awaits...

It is still raining. No joke, I almost drowned the other day when I walked outside. Ok, maybe that is a little bit of a joke. Well, more an exaggeration I suppose. Good thing I have my trusty bright pink umbrella. As if I don't stand out enough already.

I have not been sleeping well for a couple of weeks now, and to add insult to injury I am now paranoid that someone is trying to break into my apartment. I believe it may have been true when my parents cautioned me about what I watch on TV. All these detective shows have my mind convinced I'm the target of some great espionage.

9 weeks down, 7 to go. We've crossed the halfway marker folks. I am so ready for classes to start back up again. Having no purpose definitely does not suit me. Today we went into the school to help one of the new teachers get things ready for Monday and I loved sitting at her computer typing up her seating charts, laminating, double checking activities. I honestly never thought I would say that. I am not too keen on office work. But to serve a purpose just made me feel....good.

I've noticed here that a lot of people blog about one thing in particular. Photographers blog about, well, photography. Apparently there's a blog out there devoted to the amazing Ramen Shops of Japan. And after being asked several times during this trip what I want to do after graduation (who knows when that will be..) I have come to the realization that I have no..dreams, goals, or desires other than to travel and have excitement. Pretty broad, don't you think?

What does one do with an International Studies degree with emphasis in Europe and some other stuff? Aside from Grad School (are you kidding me?), not much. Maybe I should have double majored in Journalism, or Photography as well, so I could work for, say, National Geographic or the Travel Channel. Mm..broadcasting, now there's a dream. (Sarcasm is heavily intended on that last one.) Maybe anthropology or sociology perhaps? People interest me. But alas, all options lead to more schooling. I want to join the Peace Corps. Or work with the Invisible Children in Uganda. I shall quote my friend Kent when I say that I don't care about money, until money is the only thing keeping me from all these amazing opportunities. There has to be something that can be done about that. I mean, good ol' Uncle Sam might be pretty angry if I refuse to pay back my student loans.

Well, I've got a bright and early morning date with about 200 8th graders and a really cool obstacle course (unless it's raining, then we get to go to a museum..), and although I'm still mildly convinced someone is trying to break in and murder me or steal my pink umbrella, I'm praying sleep arrives soon because I won't survive tomorrow on anything less than 5 hours (which is what I'm looking at right about now..)

Oh, I'm going to Austria in July. That's exciting.

1 comment:

Samantha said...

Austria!? I love that country!

*so does that mean you're not my date to Sam and Arlee's wedding?!*
