Monday, March 17, 2008

Ironic, isn't it?

I sit here, watching entire seasons of tv shows online, currently on Grey's Anatomy. I've never really watched this show. But the interns are working their first 48 hour shift, and as I watch them fall asleep on their feet, I can't help but feel a bit jealous. I miss the nights of staying up insanely late with friends, and attempting to stay awake in my classes and at work the next day. I actually miss having classes to go to. Never thought I would utter those words. I guess all this time off with nothing specific to get done immediately doesn't suit me well.

I need a project.

Yesterday, Jenna, Josh (her boyfriend who is here visiting for a week) and I went to Asakusa which is a very popular tourist spot in Tokyo. The trains there were nothing short of chaotic confusion, but once we finally got out of the station, this American couple walked up to us asking us if we spoke English. They wanted to know where the tmple was, and Jenna told them where to go, because she and Beth had already been there. We walked with them to the tourist info place, where I overheard the lady tell Jenna she was born in Laurel Nebraska! A few minutes north of where I went to school for my freshman year. Even though she didn't really know anything about the place because it was so long ago, her husband looked uncommonly familiar. It was so strange.

Then, as we were entering the touristy shopping area, I made eye contact with a very nice dressed woman holding a microphone, and she asked me to come over and interviewed me on camera, apparently for a news show about the value of the Yen. I'm sure I looked like an idiot because I couldn't really understand what she wanted me to talk about and her English was on and off...but it was still crazy nonetheless! I was one of those foreigners that got interviewed to be on TV!

I'll make it my goal to update this as often as I can.

Until next time...

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